APIC GNY Chapter 13 Home
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Involvement & Support

         This page provides members with resources to promote
                              involvement in our APIC chapter.

New & Existing Members - click here to download your copy of our New Members Information Booklet. This document has all sorts of info about our chapter along with chapter leader responsibilities so you can see how easy it is to be more involved in the group.

The Speakers Bureau - info for Chapter Members
APIC chapter 13 has a Speakers’ Bureau to provide infection prevention presentations to nursing, medical and allied health schools, as well as professional organizations and community groups.

These sessions are part of our Chapter’s outreach and are provided free of charge to the school or group. Speakers will not receive financial compensation for these sessions either from APIC or the group. Chapter 13 will provide a maximum round trip travel stipend of $30 upon presentation of valid receipts.

If you are interested in participating in this valuable program, please contact Barbara A. Smith at basmithrn@gmail.com. Thank you for your support of the Chapter.

Chapter Letter supporting APIC NYC Meeting Attendance 
Our chapter has a letter (dated January 3, 2013) you can print and give to your facility administrator or supervisor to help give you support to attend chapter meetings. The letter, which originated from the NY State APIC Coordinating Council (NYSACC), includes the signature of our chapter president. To get this letter of support, just click here.

                                 SHERRY CHISHOLM AWARD
The APIC Greater NY Chapter 13 has chosen to honor Sherry Chisholm, one of our founding members, by creating an annual award in her name and memory. Sherry was not only one of the Infection Control Specialists who helped establish the NY Chapter, but she was highly regarded for her hard work and great support of her peers throughout her career.

The Greater NY Chapter gives the Sherry Chisholm award each year to a current chapter member who has exemplified great service and commitment to the Infection Prevention profession in our chapter and beyond. Each winter, the Board of Directors publishes criteria and award application information to the membership and announces the winner in early spring.

The Sherry Chisholm award grants funds to the award winner to attend the APIC National Conference held in the summer of that year. The winners of the Chisholm Award, since its inception in 2004 are:

                                    2014 - will it be YOU?

                                    2013 - George Allen
                                    2012 - Larry Colbert
                                    2011 - Robin Haag
                                    2010 - Marianne Pavia
                                    2009 - Kathi Mullaney
                                    2008 - Barbara Winter
                                    2007 - Antonella Eramo
                                    2006 - George Allen
                                    2005 - Pat Mead
                                    2004 - Steven Bock (inaugural winner)